Hot Shave Razor


Exfoliate · Smooth · Glow A refillable razor designed for women’s faces that gently removes unwanted facial hair and peach fuzz.

HOW TO USE: Shave: cleanse your face and pat dry. ensure your skin is pulled taut and your razor is angled at 45-degrees, then start shaving downward in short, gentle strokes. be mindful not to drag it against your skin. 

Post-shave: after rinsing thoroughly, cool and tighten your skin post-shaving with the hot mess ice roller. then apply ice queen face oil to restore hydration and nourish your skin.

BENEFITS: Removes dead skin cells and gently exfoliates your skin, giving you a dewy, radiant glow. Helps your skincare products absorb deeper into the skin, resulting in a healthier, happier complexion. Improves skin texture for more youthful looking skin. Creates the smoothest canvas for your makeup.