
Endocrine Disruptors

Endocrine Disruptors

The endocrine system is your body’s internal message center. It’s comprised of glands and organs that produce hormones to carry out essential functions for growth, development, reproduction, metabolism, and blood...
Ivey Leidy
Detoxify Your Home With DIY Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

Detoxify Your Home With DIY Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

We think of our homes as our sacred spaces, taking pride in them, keeping them clean. But the various cleaning products you use might be filling your home with toxic...
Ivey Leidy
Do You Have A Hormone Imbalance?

Do You Have A Hormone Imbalance?

The endocrine system is made up of glands and organs that produce hormones and act as powerful messengers throughout our body. This includes the pituitary gland that acts as the...
Ivey Leidy
Breastfeeding Diet: What to Eat When You’re Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Diet: What to Eat When You’re Breastfeeding

Warming, Grounding, and Hydrating foods to best fuel you and baby. For some, breast-feeding comes easily; and for others, it’s the most challenging part of the pregnancy/postpartum experience. For me,...
Ivey Leidy
Your Guide To Palm Beach

Your Guide To Palm Beach

Your go-to guide for EVERYTHING in our area. Doctors Pediatricians: My Way Pediatrics – Dr. Paula Echeverri (561) 844-2233 Palm Beach Pediatrics – Dr. Nicole Pearson (561) 798-2468 Dr. Ivy Faske – (561) 626-4677 Pediatric ENT:...
Ivey Leidy
Tagged: Palm Beach
All About H2O: Why Water Is The Most Essential Nutrient And How To Make Sure You Are Adequately Hydrated

All About H2O: Why Water Is The Most Essential Nutrient And How To Make Sure You Are Adequately Hydrated

All About H2O: Why Water is the Most Essential Nutrient and How to Make Sure You Are Adequately Hydrated 60% of the human body is made of water, most of...
Ivey Leidy
All About Adaptogens: What Are They And Do They Live Up To The Hype?

All About Adaptogens: What Are They And Do They Live Up To The Hype?

All about Adaptogens: What are they and do they live up to the hype? You’ve seen them on smoothie and coffee bar menus, as an ingredient in snack bars and...
Ivey Leidy
The Dangers Of Artificial Sweeteners

The Dangers Of Artificial Sweeteners

I have said this before, but if your brain can’t recognize it, neither will your body. The most common artificial sweeteners today are Saccharin (Sweet n’Low), Aspartame (Nutrasweet, Equal), Acesulfame...
Ivey Leidy
The Best And Worst Sweeteners

The Best And Worst Sweeteners

If you have one takeaway from this post, let it be that artificial sweeteners are the absolute worst sweeteners. The most common artificial sweeteners are aspartame (Equal), Saccharin (Sweet N’ Low), and Sucralose (Splenda). These artificial...
Ivey Leidy
The Truth About Sugar

The Truth About Sugar

One of the most interesting things I have studied is the body’s behavior when ingesting sugars. Now, the body produces its own blood sugars, whether you are ingesting sugar or...
Ivey Leidy