Beauty Food: How what we eat affects our skin

Beauty Food: How what we eat affects our skin

I like to consider the skin as a map outlining what’s going on inside the body. Often, the health of our gut is written on our skin, almost as a warning system. Whether it shows up as a breakout, dehydrated dry skin or a skin condition like eczema or rosacea caused by gut dysbiosis, the body is always sending us signals. For example, eczema is an indicator of gluten sensitivity and acne is often associated with dairy allergies. We all know how important a healthy diet is for our overall health, but our diet also plays a huge role in the appearance of our skin, its youthfulness and elasticity. The most important nutrients for healthy, supple skin are omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidant rich foods and collagen stimulating foods.


A heavily trending topic now is collagen supplements and whether or not they work. Collagen is a protein found in skin and connective tissue. This protein gives skin its structure and elasticity. As we age, we produce less and less of it, hence the wrinkles. Because the body produces collagen from the food we consume, it’s safe to say that the most effective approach would be to eat foods that naturally boost the body’s production of this protein. Certain foods contain available collagen your body can use and help boost your body’s natural production of collagen; something that can’t be said about over the counter, loosely regulated, synthethic collagen supplements.  

A rule I live by is that food is your primary source of fuel for everything your body needs, and supplements are just that, supplements to food. 


Bone broth

Fish and Shellfish


Vitamin E rich foods - olive oil, salmon, avocado, brazil nuts and sunflower seeds, sesame seeds

Vitamin C rich foods - citrus and bell peppers

Zinc rich foods - shellfish, chickpeas, lentils, hemp, flax and pumpkin seeds, cashews and almonds 

OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS: These essential fats that we can only get from food are so important for overall health as well as skin health. Omega 3s decrease inflammation throughout the body, fight acne, protect against the sun’s harmful rays, and improve the skin’s natural moisture barrier, helping to keep out irritants and bacteria and giving you that healthy dewy glow.


ANTIOXIDANT RICH FOODS: These foods contain beta-carotene, vitamin C and other antioxidants that the body converts to Vitamin A, the natural retinol!

Sweet Potatoes

Bell Peppers


Dark leafy greens


Cacao (dark chocolate that is 70% cacao or more)

Red grapes (Resveratrol, an antioxidant found in red grapes, protects against free radicals, slowing hte aging process)


Berries: Strawberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Blueberries 


Cruciferous Antioxidant foods containing sulferic compounds protect against sun damage : Broccoli, Kale, Garlic

OMEGA-3 RICH FOODS and Healthy Fats:

Salmon and Tuna



Sunflower seeds

Pumpkin Seeds


  1. OVERWASHING: Our bodies’ natural oils act as barriers against bacteria and allergens, so although you may think keeping your skin squeaky clean is the answer, it is the opposite. Stick to 1 deep cleanse at night and only a gentle cleanse during the day. The nighttime routine is the most important as your skin has been exposed to pollutants and dirt all day.
  2. STRESS: An excess of the stress hormone cortisol has been shown to cause acne flareups and breakouts. 
  3. NOT ENOUGH SLEEP: Collagen synthesis happens during rest, when cortisol levels are low. 
  4. DEHYDRATION: Excess of anything diuretic (alcohol and coffee) is very dehydrating, causing early signs of aging. Keeping hydrated by increasing your water consumption helps hydrate your body’s cells and organs, especially its largest organ, your skin! 
  5. DIET: A diet high in processed foods and refined sugar causes a decreased production of collagen.



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