Liver Health+
by Cymbiotika
This innovative formula features a unique blend of liver-protective vitamins, herbs, and nutrients to help promote optimal function of the liver. Each ingredient is thoughtfully selected to support detoxification, stimulate bile flow, and protect liver cells, making Liver Health+ an essential part of your wellness routine.
- Cynarin has antioxidant properties and may help stimulate the production of bile which can aid in digestion.
- Dandelion has been traditionally used for its properties that contribute to liver and digestive health, it is also a mild diuretic supporting kidney health.
- N- Acetylcysteine is a form of the amino acid cysteine. It is an antioxidant and a precursor to glutathione, a master antioxidant in the body. NAC has antioxidant properties, supports detoxification, helps break down mucus in the body, and has potential benefits for mental health conditions.
- Phyllanthus has a long history in traditional herbal medicine, has been known to support kidney health, liver health, and urinary tract health, and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Gluten Free/GMP Certified/Made In USA/Non-GMO/Vegan