Zen Basil Seeds
Sourced from the highest quality, sustainably grown, organic basil seeds. As an adaptogen, they help enhance the body's natural responses to stress & help balance blood sugar levels & regulate mood. This superfood is high in fiber to help ease digestion, flush toxins, & decrease stomach acidity. It contains Vitamin K & Potassium to help with heart health & digestion aid. Enjoy all the benefits of adding the most important part of the basil plant, the seed, to your diet!
Zen Basil is a mother & son owned company that proudly packs these herb seeds in California. These seeds that are perfect for keto snacks are regulated by the CA Dept. of Health Food Services, Kosher Certified, & Certified Organic by California Certified Organic Farmers! They are on a mission to make nutrition delicious & easy by bringing the powerful properties of Zen Basil seeds to health nuts, through products that are naturally healthy & fully delicious!
Edible Basil Seeds
USDA Organic, Kosher, Non-GMO, Lectin-free, Gluten-free, Plant-Based, Vegan, Keto, Paleo
15g Fiber Per 2 TBS